Late Night PhD Talk Show
The program will be as follows: 18:00-18:05 Welcome 18:05-18:15 “Impacts of treated waste water on soil properties with special reference to the soil microbiome and resistome in irrigated Tunisian agricultural …
The program will be as follows: 18:00-18:05 Welcome 18:05-18:15 “Impacts of treated waste water on soil properties with special reference to the soil microbiome and resistome in irrigated Tunisian agricultural …
ONE HEALTH Symposium on Thursday 17th June 2021 16:00-18:30. Whether you are working with public or veterinary health, anthropology, history, law, education, economics, your knowledge can promote One Health - The interdisciplinary …
The University of Copenhagen Association of PhD Students (UCAPS) invites you to our yearly General Assembly on Friday 22nd of October at 17:00 at Studenterhuset (Købmagergade 52, 1150 København). During …
Kære PhD studerende på KU, Nu er det blevet tid til, at vi igen kan afholde PhD Bar og det finder sted fredag den 26. November kl. 19:00 på Studenterhuset …
Dear fellow PhDs, We would like to thank you for a great 2021! We are now looking forward to 2022 where we hopefully can arrange more physical events. To …
Meet your future career. The PhD Day is in organized in partnership with the University of Copenhagen, UCAPS and the Ph.D Association at the Technical University of Denmark. The event …
Do you want to share you experience as a PhD student? Support others in the same boat and meet other PhDs? The UCPH PhD café by UCAPS is the right …
Dear PhDs at UCPH, It is time to finally have a PhD Bar again. It will take place on Friday the 22nd of April at 18:00 at the Faculty of …
How are the PhD students at UCPH doing? What are common work-life issues? And how are PhD students influenced by career aspirations and anxieties at UCPH? Based on 500 replies …
Find you fellow PhD and UCAPS member at our booth at the Wegener tent at UCPH Spring Festival (KU forårsfestival). We are excited to meet you!