One Health Event

ONE HEALTH Symposium on Thursday 17th June 2021 16:00-18:30. Whether you are working with public or veterinary health, anthropology, history, law, education, economics, your knowledge can promote One Health - The interdisciplinary

UCAPS General Assembly and PhD Bar at Studenterhuset

Studenterhuset Købmagergade 52, Copenhagen, Denmark

The University of Copenhagen Association of PhD Students (UCAPS) invites you to our yearly General Assembly on Friday 22nd of October at 17:00 at Studenterhuset (Købmagergade 52, 1150 København). During

PhD Bar at Studenterhuset

Studenterhuset Købmagergade 52, Copenhagen, Denmark

Kære PhD studerende på KU, Nu er det blevet tid til, at vi igen kan afholde PhD Bar og det finder sted fredag den 26. November kl. 19:00 på Studenterhuset

Late-Night PhD Talk Show

Dear fellow PhDs, We would like to thank you for a great 2021! We are now looking forward to 2022 where we hopefully can arrange more physical events.   To

IDA PhD Day 2022

IDA Kalvebod Brygge 31-33, Copenhagen, Denmark

Meet your future career. The PhD Day is in organized in partnership with the University of Copenhagen, UCAPS and the Ph.D Association at the Technical University of Denmark. The event

The UCPH PhD Café

Studenterhuset Købmagergade 52, Copenhagen, Denmark

Do you want to share you experience as a PhD student? Support others in the same boat and meet other PhDs? The UCPH PhD café by UCAPS is the right

PhD Friday Bar

The Faculty of Humanities Building 23 Emil Holms Kanal 4, Copenhagen, Denmark

Dear PhDs at UCPH, It is time to finally have a PhD Bar again. It will take place on Friday the 22nd of April at 18:00 at the Faculty of

Well-being of UCPH PhD students

Studenterhuset Købmagergade 52, Copenhagen, Denmark

How are the PhD students at UCPH doing? What are common work-life issues? And how are PhD students influenced by career aspirations and anxieties at UCPH? Based on 500 replies

UCAPS at KU Spring Festival

Universitetsparken, Nørre Campus Universitetsparken 5, Copenhagen, Denmark

Find you fellow PhD and UCAPS member at our booth at the Wegener tent at  UCPH Spring Festival (KU forårsfestival). We are excited to meet you!  

2022 Ig Nobel Prize Awards

Studenterhuset Købmagergade 52, Copenhagen, Denmark

2022 Ig Nobel Prize Awards on the 16th of September 😁🍻🏅   The Ig Nobel Prize Awards will as always be a hoot. These are the awards for research that