Communication Workshop in collaboration with DM
Date: 13 September 2024 Time: 17:30 – 21:00
The recent UCAPS and DM event was a blast! Students and post-docs came together for an interesting workshop that was both fun and helpful. We kicked things off with icebreaker games, followed by practical tips on how to grab attention, structure content, and boost confidence when presenting research. Thank you Mads Løkke Rasmussen from DM for such a fun and useful presentation! Afterwards, everyone got a chance to improve their skills while meeting new people and enjoying pizza, music, and drinks. See you in our next event!

Salsa night in collaboration with 4water
Date: 28 May 2024 Time: 17:00 – 21:00
Another successful salsa night in collaboration with 4water. This organization is run by volunteer salsa teachers and they donate 100% of their profits to WaterAid projects in Rwanda, helping people gain access to clean water, sanitation and hygiene education. UCAPS supports this amazing initiative.
We always have a beginners class for 45 minutes, so everyone can enjoy! Afterwards, we play salsa music and have a nice time all together !
PhD Friday Bar – UCPH Innovation Center – KU Lighthouse
Date: 26 April 2024 Time: 16:30 – 20:00
The first UCAPS PhD Friday Bar of the year finally arrived! We are collaborating with UCPHs Innovation Center – KU Lighthouse again, and explored the relationship between innovation and research. Many academicians grapple with the concept, but we can untangle it together. Remember, innovation and research are intertwined and are not mutually exclusive. It’s up to you to redefine the qualities of an exceptional researcher.

PhD Café
Date: 18 April 2024 Time: 17:30 – 21:00
Location: Studenterhuset, Aquarium room
We enjoyed a cozy evening with a cup of coffee and an informal conversation with your fellow PhD students on your experience as a PhD student- a good way to support others in the same boat and meet other PhDs.
Coffee Tasting with UCAPS and Impact Roasters
Date: 29 February 2024 Time: 17.30-20.00
Location: Impact Roasters
UCAPS and Impact Roasters were happy to host you for another interactive coffee-tasting event where you learned about Ethiopian coffee in the heart of Denmark! It is the coffee that gives back. Throughout the whole event, there was a tasting of coffee made on a Chemex and The Flavour Wheel was used to describe the coffee profiles. After the coffee tasting, we enjoyed some mingling and socializing with fellow PhDs!
UCAPS General assembly 2023
Date: 10 November 2023. Time: 17:30 – 22:00
Location: Studenterhuset
We thank all attendees for coming and learning about YOUR student organisation, UCAPS. We talked about the organisation, the past year work and voted to elect the new board. The new board includes Ioanna, Tomislav, Atul, Vishalini and Salim 🙌

PhD Bar – Welcome new students!
Date: 19 October 2023. Time: 17.30-22.00
Location: Panum institute

PhD Friday bar
Date: 8 September 2023. Time: 17.30-22.00
Location: Panum institute

Salsa in collaboration with 4water
Date: 15 June 2023. Time: 18.00-21.00
Location: Institut for Geovidenskab og Naturforvaltning
Meditation event
Date: 15 May 2023. Time: 17.00-19.00
Location: Heartfulness Meditation Center
Thanks for joining us for a relaxing afternoon focused on meditation. It was so nice to see so many of you!

Friday Bar
Date: 28 April 2023. Time: 17.00-23.00
Location: Studenterhuset
Another succesful Friday bar where you got to meet fellow PhDs while playing games and enjoying pizza! Who knew KU PhDs were so artistic? We will soon host another Friday bar so make sure to not miss it!

Innovation Friday Bar UCAPS & UCPH Lighthouse
Date: 3 March 2023. Time: 17.45 – 21.00
Location: Nørre Allé 49, 2200 Copenhagen N

We hope you all had fun in an evening of shining a light on entrepreneurship & impact opportunities for PhDs. Thank you to the amazing speakers:
- Cecilie Knudsen (https://www.venomaid.com/#7), PhD, Co-founder VenomAid Diagnostics, gave as an inspirational talk from the view of an entrepreneur.
- Anders Kjær (https://preseedventures.dk/people/anders-kjaer), DeppTech Fund Director, PreSeed Ventures, focused on PhDs skills and values in the startup ecosystem.
- Jacob Madsen (https://kring.com/about/), Co-Managing Partner at KRING, talked about Venture Studio and how they work with innovation in company creation, and the opportunities it provides for PhD students.
Negotiation and working rights in collaboration with DM
Date: 8 February 2023 . Time: 17.30-19.30
Location: Studenterhuset

We hope you found the event useful! In collaboration with the union DM, we talked about how you can use your background in research outside of academia, how to communicate your experience to employers, how to negotiate your future salary and which employee rights you have. The event ended with a Q&A session with DM’s consultants.
IDA’s Career Day for PhDs and Postdocs 2023
Date: 10 January 2023. Time: 8.30-17.00

Thanks for joining in another career day by IDA in collaboration with UCAPS. On this day you got to meet employers looking for young researchers, hear from experts and join peers from other Danish universities.
1st UCAPS PhD Friday Bar 2023!
Date: 20 January 2023. Time: 19:00-22:00
Institut for Geovidenskab og Naturforvaltning

2023 has begun! We hope you enjoyed our first PhD Friday bar of the year and got to meet your fellow PhD student, old and new!
Salsa with UCAPS in collaboration with SALSA4water
Date: 24 November 2022. Time: 18:00-21:00
Institut for Geovidenskab og Naturforvaltning

It’s always good to learn a new skill!! And hang out with fellow PhD students. We hope you had a fun with us and SALSA4Water. By attending you also supported SALSA4Water’s charity, exhanging salsa classes for donations to WaterAid.
Interactive Coffee Tasting with Impact Roasters
Date: 16 November 2022. Time: 18.30-20.30.
Impact Roasters café Flintholm Alle 55, Frederiksberg

Wow what a GREAT night in the name of Coffee and Sustainability!
We really enjoyed seeing so many PhDs showing up despite the darkness and cold to enjoy what keeps many of us in our seats during writing, data analysis and mailing ☕☕☕
UCAPS General assembly 2022
Date: Friday 28th October. Time 18:00-.-
Location :Studenterhuset
We thank all attendees for coming and learning about YOUR student organisation, UCAPS. We talked about the organisation and the past year work.

Ioanna, Yan, Tomislav, Jennifer, Penille, Simon, Johanna (absent from photo) and Henrik (absent from photo) was selected as the new board 🙌https://ucaps.dk/ucaps-team/ . We hope you had a wonderful evening with pizza, drinks and the meme quiz! As something new we had visiting PhDs from Sorbonne university and Charles univeristy who were in Copenhagen for the EU4+ project (https://4euplus.eu/4EU-9.html) Always great to meet new fellow PhD students
PhD Friday Bar
Date: Friday 7th October. Time: 18:00-22.00
Location: Studenterhuset

It was a slightly different UCAPS PhD Friday Bar. Thank you comedian Andreas Hoff for a blast of a show! Andreas Hoff is a psychiatrist and PhD from the University of Copenhagen and has been working as a stand-up comedian for eight years. He combines these two very different topics into a cocktail of science and entertainment, centering on his career including medicine and psychiatric research.
Ig Novel Awards with UCAPS
Date: Friday 16th September, 2022. Time: 15:30-19:00
Location: Studenterhuset
With a coffee/tea/beer/soda in hand we hope you also enjoyed our lice streaming of the Ig Nobel Awards from Harvard University. Always be a hoot. Maybe one of us will be part of the Ig Nobel Awards one day ?!
PhD Friday Bar in collaboration with IDA
Date: Friday 9th September, 2022. Time: 16:00-20:00
Location: IDA, Kalvebod Brygge
A lovely Friday PhD bar at a wonderful location, IDA by the canals. Talk about PhD in academia and in the industry, quiz with prizes, beers and laughs. Thank you all for a wonderful evening!
UCAPS at KU Forårs Festival 2022
Date: Friday 20th May, 2022. Time: 14:30-17:30
Location: Nørre Campus
We hope you all had a great Festival! We enjoyed speaking to all of you and enjoying a beer in the Danish Spring. Hooray

Well-being of UCPHC PhD Students
Date: Tuesday 17th May, 2022. Time: 18:30-20:30
Location: Studenterhuset
Based on 500 replies from UCPH PhD students in the 2021 DM/PAND work-life survey, this talk invited to a discussion on how to improve working lives for doctoral students at UCPH.
PhD Friday Bar
Date: Friday 22nd April, 2022. Time 18:00-23:00
Location: Faculty of Humanities Building 23.
Thank you for the amazing PhD bar on Friday, It was lovely seeing you all!!

The UCPH PhD Café
Deta: Thursday 31st March, 2022. Time: 17:30-
Location: Studenterhuset
We hoped you enjoyed a cozy night with a cup of coffee and an informal conversation with your fellow PhD students on your experience as a PhD student- Support others in the same boat and meet other PhDs.
Late-Night PhD Talk Show
Date: Thursday 24th February 2022. Time 18:00-19:00.
Place: Zoom

We kicked of the new year with an online Late-Night PhD Talk Show where 5 PhD students were invited to present their work in 8 minutes online for fellow PhD students. ! The presenters were given constructive and confidential feedback on their presentation skills on Zoom.
Date: Friday 26th November, 2021. Time 19.00
Location: Studenterhuset

General Assembly October2021
Date: Friday 28th October, 17.30-18-30
Location Hybrid: Studenterhuset and Zoom meeting

General Assembly September 2020
Date: Wednesday 30th September, 16:00-17:30
Location: Zoom meeting
We invite all PhD students at KU to join our General Assembly on the 30th of September at 16:00, ON ZOOM. We will quickly tell you what UCAPS is all about, and hopefully inspire you to become a part of the board. We ESPECIALLY ENCOURAGE the first year PhD’s to join, partly because we believe that UCAPS will give you a network and opportunities that you can use in the rest of your PhD, and partly because you get to stay on board for longer and can make significant changes in a large organisation such as KU. Even if you don’t want to or can’t join the board, you are still most welcome to attend, to hear what UCAPS has been doing and for YOU to tell us what YOU think is the most important task to take on in the future.
- Approval of Chair and the Rapporteur of the meeting
- Introduction to UCAPS
- Introduction to PAND
- Input from participants to UCAPS (via padlet)
- What was done in 2019
- What are the plans for 2020
- Finances 2019/2020
- Election of the new board
- Discussion-based input (Breakout rooms via zoom)
General Assembly March 2019
Date: Thursday March 28th 2019, 16:00
Location: Studenterhuset Main Hall
PhD Education Conference 31st of January 2019
One of the aims of the massive intake of PhD students in the course of the last decade was to increase the proportion going into the private sector. However, the proportion has roughly stayed the same. Combined with an overcrowded academic job market, with many temporal positions and limited prospects of tenure, there is a need to bridge the gap between academia and work life outside universities for PhD students.
With talks and exploratory workshops, involving PhDs and stakeholders/policymakers, the conference will find ways to improve the ability of the Danish PhD education to prepare PhD students for working outside universities.
Arranged by University of Copenhagen Association of PhD Students (UCAPS), the PhD Association of the University of Southern Denmark (PAUSD) and PhD Association Network of Denmark (PANO) in collaboration with the Carlsberg Foundation.
Please use this form to register: https://ucaps.dk/policy-conference-sign-up/
Find a PDF with the programme here: https://ucaps.dk/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/UCAPS-PhD-Education-Conference.pdf
General Assembly 22 November 2018
The UCAPS- University of Copenhagen Association of PhD Students invites you to a General Assembly on November 22, 16.00 at Studenterhuset.
Come and meet fellow PhD students, find out what UCAPS can offer you, and help shape the future our association. There will be pizza and refreshments to keep us all going! 🍕
At the Assembly we will tell you what UCAPS has been doing this year, discuss the statutes and the budget, and elect the next Board!
1. Electing the chairman and the rapporteur of the meeting
2. Approval of the agenda (with or without suggested alterations)
3. Presentation of the last year’s activities (Co-Chairs)
3. Approval of members’ proposals for the UCAPS statutes
5. Approval of the Board’s proposals for the UCAPS statutes
6. Presentation of the audited accounts of the preceding fiscal year (Treasurer)
6a. Optional comments on the accounts by the auditor
7. Approval of the budget for the coming fiscal year
8. Election of the UCAPS Board
9. Election of internal auditor
10. Any other item of business
11. Hygge and pizza